Free Autoresponder For Marketers On A Budget

If money is a bit tight or you don't want to pay the high fees associated with high subscriber numbers and premium autoresponders, then a free autoresponder is the best option.

I started the affiliate marketing journey a few years ago and was using mostly free tools and free traffic.

I'm not sure who recommended that I use a free autoresponder but it sounded like a good idea. There are a range of options available but not all are good for affiliate marketing.

Mail Chimp for instance is free as long as your subscriber count is less than 500 subscribers. But they have zero tolerance for the 'make money online' niche.

Start mailing about 'make money online' and they close your account. This shocked me when it happened to me. But when I read about other people's experience I found this is the rule according to Mail Chimp.

Other free autoresponder options had different restrictions or bad points like optin forms that looked like they were from the 1990s or they only offered free trials.

What I wanted was a 100% free autoresponder with pre-made optin forms, and an unlimited subscriber count, with reasonable rules. And I found it with Gorilla Marketing Pro.

What's The Catch

It's Free But It Can't Be 100% Free - It is 100% Free and what you get for free is a great deal.

I am a free member and I get to have unlimited subscribers. I can mail my list every 48 hours. I get a free hybrid funnel to list my business opportunities.

I have access to 15 pre-made landing pages to build my email list. As well as access to proven marketing tools, access to the Gorilla Marketing Pro's Facebook group, free internet marketing training, and a free vacation within the US.

They do have a Platinum Membership but the free membership is adequate for most people. The Platinum Membership is jam packed with upgrades and if you have a spare $15 each month there's no reason not to take advantage of the opportunity.

With the Platinum membership you can build your own landing pages, and they are easy to build. You get to mail your list every day and you can load previous emails for re-sending. You can also send unlimited follow up emails. As everyone is on mobile these days they include a mobile landing page maker.

There isn't a catch but both memberships offer more than what you'd expect for the price you pay which is nothing (for the free membership) or almost no more than the price of lunch for the Platinum Membership.

To join Gorilla Marketing Pro and start using either the free autoresponder or the Platinum autoresponder, click the link to get started.

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