When the 10 Thousand Twitter followers you bought Are Useless

After you've signed up to Twitter all you want to do is get millions of followers like your favourite musician.

You follow them, hoping they will follow back.

But the truth of the matter is that musicians and celebrities don't follow the person in the street.

They are broadcasters, meaning that don't reply to every tweet but have a social media team in control of their accounts.

These professionals have strategies for maximizing the total possible follower count, increased retweets and likes.

They are not concerned with replying to every thank you message.

And it would be practically impossible with 12 million followers and millions of tweets.

Do you really want more followers? You can buy followers.

It is advisable not to buy 12 million followers.

If you did, and you have a brand new account with 3 tweets, people would be unlikely to believe this is the case.

You could buy 10,000 followers, once you have a feel for Twitter and you have tweeted 1 thousand tweets.

Many Twitter accounts see real growth to 20K or 30K with 10K tweets.

But they don't use the Twitter website to achieve this.

They use independent websites that offer software to manage and analyze Twitter bios and accounts.

They receive data on who the influencers are in their niche, how many followers they have, and the hashtags they use when tweeting.

Once they know who the influencers are, they follow their followers sometimes in batches of 1,000.

If you did this on the Twitter website, this would be called churning and you would receive a warning for breaking Twitter rules.

If you continue to break the rules your account will be suspended and you would have to go through a process to get your account back.

When you follow your batch through independent websites they are careful to observe Twitter's rules and follow the followers in a controlled way.

Why would you want to buy 10K followers, apart from receiving the awe from smaller accounts?

This strategy would be to show social proof to smaller accounts to follow you.

Social proof affords you reasons to tweet about whatever you like and other Twitter followers won't think twice about following you.

Yes, in effect you will only have maybe 200 real followers but it will make the decision easier for other Twitter followers to follow you.

If you have 1 thousand followers and you come across an account with only 200 followers you are going to assess carefully, their tweets, bio, and the number of tweets they have tweeted.

With your new found influence many doors will open for you.

If you use popular relevant hashtags, it's possible that other Twitter followers will see your tweets, read them, like them, be not really sure whether to retweet them, look at your profile from the popup and then retweet your tweet.

This is another strategy you could use to grow your account.

The truth is though that many people do not look on accounts that buy followers favorably, neither does Twitter.

If your account suddenly grows from 1,000 followers to 10K, the followers that you already have may unfollow you and tweet about your fake popularity announcing that you shouldn't be trusted.

And not to follow you.

While social proof may be a good argument to buy followers, the negative factors are there and your purchased illusion may not succeed, leaving you with a damaged reputation, 10 thousand fake followers that you no longer want, and a lighter wallet.

Have you purchased followers?

What was your experience?

Please comment below.

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